Saturday, March 3, 2012

Where Does Fear Come From

Seriously.  Why does it scare me to talk to the girl I want to be with?  Well because I am afraid it will go wrong. Why am I afraid it will go wrong?  Because she is a very pretty girl and I don't feel worthy at times.  Why don't you feel worthy at times?  Because I have low self esteem.  Why do you have low self esteem?  Aside of what I think, I let others tell me what I can and can not do, leading me to this imaginary line of fear.  What is this imaginary line of fear you talk about?
This imaginary line of fear that others portray on me is something I allow myself to be afraid of.  The reason I am afraid of fear is because I let myself be.  
You see that?  Sometimes it is the most easy answer.  But then why is it so hard to find answers all the time?  Because we're afraid.  We're afraid of who we won't become.  Who we will become.  Who cares???  I'm always going to be me and nobody will change that no matter how much they impact my life.  So stop pretending.  Be yourself.  Life is better that way.  Anybody who can't respect that doesn't deserve to be around you.  Next time someone tries to bring down what you are trying to become, ask them why.  Why are you trying to bring me down?  I guarantee their answer will be hidden behind some type of confidence.  That's exactly my point.
The only reason others bring you down is to bring themselves up.  ......


  1. Took the words right outta' papa's mouth. I like this.

  2. The last underlined sentence is quite agreeable.

  3. The only reason others bring you down is to bring themselves up.

    mmmm baby. I'm thinking of making me a plaque with this on it.
